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Always the perfect cooling equipment

EVO 60 chillers for HP Indigo digital printing press in the USA in 4 weeks


Shutterfly is a large, national, NYSE-listed printing company with several sites and is one of HP Indigo's largest customers. For several years, it has used multiple HP digital printing presses that are all connected to a competitor's chillers. In February this year, shortly before the COVID-19 pandemic started, HP approached us because its Series 5 Beta press (100K) at Shutterfly had considerable overheating problems that its existing cooling equipment suppliers could not resolve. The main reason was the very high external temperature in Arizona (up to 55°C). As a beta site, HP was under considerable pressure to keep Shutterfly happy and prove its new technology. 


A meeting was held in Israel between ef cooling and HP, at which a single question was raised: Could ef cooling deliver a chiller for the new Series 5 printing press to Shutterfly in the USA within 3–4 weeks? Although it was the middle of the summer holidays, we accepted the challenge.



A few days after we were first contacted, we coordinated engineering, production and air-freight shipping of a new EVO 60 chiller (developed specifically for the HP Series 5 press) from Switzerland direct to Shutterfly in Arizona. Furthermore, we arranged for a local ef service technician to be available on site to assist with installation, commissioning and training.



Within four weeks, Shutterfly had an operation-ready printing press and a Series 5 chiller that ran perfectly! After several months of consistently problem-free operation, Shutterfly then contacted us to discuss the provision of ef chillers for the remaining HP 100K presses, which they intended to install in 2021/2022 at multiple locations. 


Our next step was to supply a High Ambient (131°F) Split Condenser version of the EVO 60 for testing and an EVO 20 chiller for tests using Shutterfly's existing, older HP Series 3 presses. Both chillers were installed in November and continue to function perfectly, which led to Shutterfly continuing with ef chillers on all new HP press installations in 2021 and beyond.

How to contact us

ef cooling





ef cooling Ernst H. Furrer AG Furtbachstrasse 16

CH-8107 Buchs ZH

Phone +41 44 849 79 00 

Furrer Industriekühlung GmbH Hämmerlestrasse 11

D-71126 Gäufelden-Nebringen

Phone +49 7032 954414-0

ef cooling US, Inc.

Sales & Service Office

2280 Hix Rd.

Westland MI, 48185 USA

Phone +1 734 331-9091 

ef cooling, China

China Business Development

Phone +86 13811505268


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